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About BFR Physio

Get Back to Living Pain-Free with BFR Physiotherapy Clinic in Caterham on the Hill, Surrey


At BFR Physiotherapy Clinic, we are dedicated to assisting individuals in Caterham and the surrounding area, particularly those in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond, to reclaim the life they deserve. Our goal is to help you live a pain-free life without relying on painkillers or worrying about bothering your doctor, so you can fully engage in the activities you love without limitations.

When you experience chronic pain in your knees, lower back, neck, shoulders, or sustain a sports or exercise-related injury, it's tempting to ignore it and hope it will disappear with time and rest. However, this approach often leads to worsened pain instead of resolution.


We understand that resorting to painkillers may provide temporary relief, but they are not a healthy long-term solution as they merely mask the pain without addressing the underlying cause.


Perhaps you've sought advice from other healthcare professionals or visited a physiotherapist in the past, but their guidance and treatments didn't yield the desired results, leaving you confused and skeptical.


If this resonates with you, know that you're not alone. Many patients in Caterham have shared similar experiences before coming to BFR Physiotherapy Clinic. They have:


  • Hoped the pain would disappear on its own, only to find it persisting

  • Made multiple visits to the doctor, receiving recommendations for rest and painkillers, only to be prescribed even more rest and stronger medication on subsequent visits

  • Experienced lengthy waiting times for NHS physiotherapy referrals, only to receive a generic sheet of exercises that provided little to no relief

  • Attempted exercises found on YouTube, only to find they either had no effect or exacerbated the pain

  • Rested excessively due to severe pain, but found that it only led to increased stiffness and tightness

  • Been told by family or friends that aches and pains are a normal part of aging, leading them to accept the pain as a permanent condition

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If any of these situations resonate with you, we are here to help you regain control of your life. Let us assist you in overcoming pain and reclaiming a pain-free, active lifestyle.

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